Medical Office and Examination Furniture
Object ID Number:
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Date of Manufacture:
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Description / History:
Doctor's office chair. Wheeled wooden chair with leather covered back. Leather is attached with brass studs. The front of the chair's arms and its front legs include carved animal heads.

This chair was originally used in an ENT physician's practice in Allentown, PA from 1910s until the mid 1940s. His name is unknown but he was the uncle of Irvin V. Uhler, D.D.S., an oral surgeon who practiced on North Duke Street in Lancaster from 1948 until July of 1982. Dr. Uhler was also Chief of Oral Surgery at Lancaster General Hospital during much of that time. The chair was used in his practice, known as Lancaster Oral Surgery Associates, as a wheelchair and intra–office transport from 1948 until 1997. The chair thus has a total useful operational life of 80+ years and shows the scars of frequent service. It is not known if the original intended use was as a wheelchair or if the wheels were added after purchase to change the chair's original purpose from stationary to mobile. However, it did transport thousands of conscious, semi–conscious, and unconscious patients when the need arose.
H–36.5 W–23 D–18 inches
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