Elco Electric Health Generator : eh101849
Alternative "Quack" Medical Devices : Great For What Ails You
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Elco Electric Health Generator
Lindstrom & Company, Chicago, IL
Date of Manufacture:
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Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Made and distributed by Lindstrom & Company, this electric device was adverised as a cure for a wide variety of diseases and illnesses including anemia, asthma, backache, bronchitis, blackeads, colic, constipation, dandruff, deafness, eye trouble, epilepsy, female troubles, freckles, heart trouble, migraine, oesity, pimples, piles, ringworm, sore feet stomach troubles, tonsilitis, weak eyes, wrinkles, writers cramp and many other ailments. The electric powered device is contained in a wooden case and includes three glass attachments and two metal attachments. When plugged in, a blue light shines through the glass attachments creating a curative violet ray as well as ozone for the cure of blood disorders.

H–4 W–9.5 L–14.5 inches
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