Medicine Bottle : PH175
Pharmacy: Combination Tablets : The Pharmacists Own Cures and Mixtures
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Medicine Bottle
Combination Tablets
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Small mold blown glass bottle containing homeopathic grey tablets. White label reads, "Luyties Combination Tablets No. 316".

Dr. Herman Luyties studied under homeopathic doctors in Germany before coming to America to open a small homeopathic pharmacy in St. Louis. From 1853 on he expanded his buisness until it became one of the largest and most highly regarded homeopathic pharmacies in the world. Recieving the 1904 World Fair's Grand Prize of Medicine was just one on his long list of achievements.
Combination Tablets, such as this one, were made for specific illnesses such as "Whooping Cough" and "Headache". The thought is that he prescribed these tablets for his traveling patients he could not see himself.

This specific bottle contains tablets used to help with laryngeal irritation and coughs. Ingredients include:
Rumex crisp– Thought to have a strong influence on the pneumogrstic nerve, therefore making it useful to cure coughs and laryngeal nerve irritation.
Guaiacum– Is currently used for rheumatic complaints.
Spongia– Made from roasted sea sponge, this ingrediant contains significant amounts of iodine and bromine. It is used to treat dry, hoarse coughs and sore throats.
Benzocaine– A very popular ingredient, mostly seen as a topical pain reliever or as an active ingredient in cough drops. While it was first used for a simple anesthetic, it is now used in a variety of different objects. It has been found in excess earwax–removal medicines, patches used to relieve orthodonic pain, and liquid–powder used to relieve mosquito stings. Most recently it can be found in condoms as a sensation decreaser and, particularly in Britian, can commonly be found as an impurity in street cocaine.
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