Medicine Bottle : PH196
Pharmacy: Combination Tablets : The Pharmacists Own Cures and Mixtures
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Medicine Bottle
Combination Tablets
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Small mouth–blown glass bottle containing homeopathic grey tablets. White label reads, "Luyties Combination Tablets No. 62".

Dr. Herman Luyties studied under homeopathic doctors in Germany before coming to America to open a small homeopathic pharmacy in St. Louis. From 1853 on he expanded his buisness until it became one of the largest and most highly regarded homeopathic pharmacies in the world. Recieving the 1904 World Fair's Grand Prize of Medicine was just one on his long list of achievements.
Combination Tablets, such as this one, were made for specific illnesses such as "Whooping Cough" and "Headache". The thought is that he prescribed these tablets for his traveling patients he could not see himself.

This specific bottle contains tablets used to treat Incipient Phthisis (initial stage of Tuberculosis), Bronchitis, and all Asthmatic Conditions.

Arum Triphyllum: Most commonly given as a treatment for common cold symptoms such as runny nose and sour throat.
Sticta Pulmonaria: Used for bronchial coughs, spasmodic coughs, head colds, inflamed mucous membranes and post–nasal drip.
Rumex Crispus: Used mainly for repiratory conditions, although the roots of this plant have also been used to treat anemia.
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