Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Home Remedy Pills
E. C. DeWitt & Co., Inc.
Date of Manufacture:
Description / History:
This is a DeWitt's Laxative & Cathartic unopened pill bottle, containing 72 pills. The bottle is inside an intact cardboard box/sleeve and includes an instruction sheet.

DeWitt's "Little Early Risers" Laxative & Cathartic Pills. This bottle contains 72 over–the–counter pills to promote bowel regularity. Manufactured by E.C. DeWitt & Co., Inc., these pills were originally priced at 60 cents.

Pill bottle: "DeWitt's Little Early Risers Laxative & Cathartic Pills" "Active Ingredients Aloin, Podophyllin" "Not For Children's Use" "72 Pills 60 Cents" "As a laxative, 1 or 2 pills, or as a cathartic, 2 or 4 pills, after a meal or at bedtime. Frequent or continued use of this preparation may result in dependence on laxatives." "Warning: Not to be used when abdominal pain (stomach–ache, cramps, colic), nausea, vomiting (stomach–sickness), or other symptoms of appendicitis are present." "72655" "E.C. DE WITT & CO. INC. CHICAGO, ILL."

Case/Sleeve: "DeWitt's REG. U.S. PAT. OFFICE LITTLE EARLY RISERS LAXATIVE & CATHARTIC PILLS MANUFACTURED BY E. C. DeWITT & CO., INC." "Active Ingredients Aloin, Podophyllin" "CONTENTS 72 PILLS" "ADULT DOSE: As a laxative, 1 or 2 pills, or as a cathartic 2 or 4 pills, after a meal or at bedtime. (Not for children's use). 'Warning: Not to be used when abdominal pain (stomach–ache, cramps, colic), nausea, vomiting (stomach–sickness), or other symptoms of appendicitis are present. Frequent or continued use of this preparation may result in dependence on laxatives." "Regularity is essential to Good Health Most persons have at least one daily bowel movement – thus regularly removing from the body unwanted food residue and other waste matter. This regularity, so essential to internal cleanliness, can be upset by irregular or hurried meals, overeating, and sometimes excessive smoking or drinking." "PRICE 60 CENTS"

H–18.415 W–2.5 L–2.5 cm
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