Bottles : PH170
Pharmacy: Shop Furniture : Bulk containers for herbs, powders and liquids
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Shop Furniture
Date of Manufacture:
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Description / History:
A collection of four 19th century Pharmacy bottles used to store bulk chemicals for dispensing. All bottles are clear and include a white label with red and gold rims. All labels reside in an indentation in the glass, and are affixed to the bottles with a thin sheet of glass.

Bottle A. Labled Ess.Anisi: 'Essence of Anisi'. Made by dissolving the oil of anisi into strong alcohol, this process results in a product that is aromatic, stimulant and carminative. In the 1850's, it was used for flatulance and, in some cases, infants suffering from diarrhea. One early 20th century medical journal intructs patients suffering from lack of sleep due to flatulance to sip a hot mixture of powdered anisi and water before bed every night.

Bottle B. Labled SP.Melissae: A liquid solution used in small doses to relieve infants of flatulance. Not usually used until after the third or fourth week of life, a mixture of chamomile and a drop or two of sp. melissae was used to calm an infant's stomach.

Bottle C. Labled TR.Cinnam: 'Tinctura Cinnamomi'. Made from Cinnamon bark (No.4 powder) and alcohol. The result is a liquid that was used as a carminative and flavoring agent. The bottle pictured still contains about 1/3 of the amber–colored liquid.

Bottle D. Labled TR. Tolut.: 'Tinctura of Tolu'. Made from Balsam of Tolu and alcohol. This mixture was used externally to clean and heal sores and wounds. Internally, it acts as a expectorant, and so was often used to help with coughs and bronchitis.
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