Tincture Gentian : PH176
Pharmacy: Shop Furniture : Bulk containers for herbs, powders and liquids
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Tincture Gentian
Shop Furniture
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Clear blown glass bottle with glass stopper labeled Tincture Gentian Ph. G.
From Elmer and amend Pharmacy in New York, NY.
Bottle is nearly full with original contents.

Tincture Gentian has been used for centuries as a digestive tonic as well as for liver disorders, an antiseptic wound wash and as a treatment for intestinal worms. Other uses include the prevention of muscle spasms, and the starting of the menstrual cycle. It was topically used to treat wounds and cancer.

Gentian is also known as Bitter Root, Bitterwort and Gall Weed. The root of the Gentian herb plant is used for making medicines

H–9 Dia–2.75 inches
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