Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
CIBA Pharmaceuticals. Summit, NJ
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
This collection includes 2 ampules in a cardboard box with ampule opener and an additional 2 loose ampules. Manufactured by Ciba Pharmaceuticals in Summit, NJ.

Coramine, also known as nikethamide, is a central nervous system stimulant. Formerly used in the treatment of barbiturate overdoses in the mid 20th century, it is now considered of no value for this use and much too dangerous.

Coramine is listed by the World Anti Doping Agency as a banned substance for athletes and is considered a Class 1 drug. Several athletes have received bans from competition after testing positive for nikethamide. The death of ice hockey player Alexei Cherepanove, who died while playing hockey three hours after taking the drug, has been attributed to its use.

Coramine is still available over the counter today in some South American and European countries in the form of lozenges mixed with glucose. It is often used by mountain climbers for increased endurance at higher altitudes.

Coramine was also used by some veterinarians as a stimulant for horses. As far back as 1953, race horses testing positive for nikethamide were disqualified from competitions.

It is no longer considered safe for either human or veterinary use and is no longer manufactured or distributed by any US companies, according to the Racing Medication and Testing Consortium.
H–3.25 W–1.75 D–1 inches
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