Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Calcium Benzoate
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Set of 8 small clear glass jars with black bakelite screw on tops labeled Calcium Benzoate. Jars are labeled Fisher Scientific Co, Pittsburg, Penna, USA and Elmer and Amend, New York, NY.

During the 19th century, Calcium Benzoate was used in the treatment of Albuminuria, a kidney disease that caused a foaming of the urine.

During the 20th century, Calcium Benzoate has been used as a preservative in some foods. However, it has not been approved for this use in the United States.

H–3.5 Dia–1.75 inches
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