Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Buchu–Couch Grass Comp. w/ Atropine
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Buchu–Couch Grass Comp. with Atropine
The Zemmer Company, Pittsburgh, PA

The Buchu–Couch Grass Comp with Atropine was used to aid in the treatment of urinary inflammation (cystitis). The manufactured brown glass bottle contained 1000 tablets, and the administration of the drug is listed as 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Pill Forumlation: Buchu (60 mg), Couch Grass (60 mg), Atropine Sulfate (0.12 mg) Boric Acid (120 mg) Potassium Bicarbonate (120 mg) Hydrangea (30 mg) Corn Silk (30 mg)
H–8 W–3.5 L–2 inches
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