Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Ergotin–Gallic Acid–Calcium Lactate
Combination Tablets
Description / History:
Ergotin–Gallic Acid–Calcium Lactate Comp.
Distributed by Boericke & Runyon, Philadelphia, PA
1000 tablets, No. 292

These hemostatic combination tablets were utilized to treat uterine hemorrhage. The pills were pink and sugarcoated to ease injestion. The brown molded glass bottle contained 1000 tablets and the large size of the bottle was likely used for wholesale distribution of the drug. The listed adult dose was two (2) to four (4) tablets every three hours.

Combination tablet formulation: Acid–Gallic (0.75 gr.), Calcium Lactate (0.5 gr.), Ergotin (0.25 gr.), Hamamelis Extract (0.5 gr.), Trillin (0.1 gr.), Cinnamon (q.s.)
H–7 L–2 D–3 inches
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