Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Caffeine Sodio–Benzoate
Ampule Caffeine Sodio–Benzoate
Sharp and Dohme, Philadelphia & Baltimore
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
cardboard box containing 4 ampules of caffeine sodio benzoate. Each ampule contains 0.25 gm in a sterile solution. According to the outside label, the box originally contained 12 ampules but only 4 are remaining. This type of ampule was typically used in the 1930s and 1940s.

Caffeine Sodio Benzoate is used throughout the early to mid 20th century to stimulate the nervous system and to treat respiratory depression. Another use for Caffeine Sodio Benzoate is for the treatment of spinal headache.

These ampules were manufactured by Sharp and Dohme. In 1954, Sharp and Dohme merged with Merck, changing the company name to Merk, Sharp, indicating that these ampules were produced prior to the merger.

H–1.5 W–4 L–2.75 inches
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