The term “nurse” is derived from the Latin term to suckle as in wet nurse, nursery, nourish, or nutrition. The nursing exhibit portrays a short history of nursing from Roman times until the early 20th century, as well as an overview of nursing in Lancaster County. It includes a panel recognizing nursing pioneers and leaders in the early years at hospitals in Lancaster County.
Included in the exhibit are uniforms, paraphernalia, and photographs of nursing practice and patient care, representative of the expanding role of nurses within the county. For example, nurses were integral to the care of patients in an iron lung, one of which is located near the entrance to the museum.
Florence Nightingale, the “Lady with the Lamp” is also recognized for the role she played in elevating and modernizing nursing practice and professionalism, in the Crimea, in England, and throughout the world.

Florence Nightingale