Bottle : PH122
Pharmacy: Shop Furniture : Bulk containers for herbs, powders and liquids
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Shop Furniture
Whitall Tatum Company – Millville, NJ
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
This is a glass bottle with the label "Tinctura Stramonii". It is almost full and contains a dark brown liquid inside. There is a glass stopper and the label is paper. An embossment on the bottome reads "W.T.Co USA". These markings indicate that this bottle was produced by Whitall Tatum Company sometime between 1900 and 1938 when the company was purchased by Armstrong Cork Corporation (bottles were then marked with "Armstrong"). Tinctura Stamonii was prepared with the leaves of the stramonium plant. It was used in the treatment of asthma due to the presence of atropine which paralyzes the endings of the pulmonary branch of the vagus, thus relieving the bronchial spasms.
H–9.25 W–2.5 inches
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