Syrup of Ambrozoin : PH219
Pharmacy : Chemicals, Medicines, and Cures From A to M
Object ID Number:
Object Name:
Syrup of Ambrozoin
Manufactured from:
Manufactured to:
Description / History:
Syrup of Ambrozoin (6oz.)
Produced by American Apothecaries Company, Long Island City, NY

Utilized for the symptomatic relief of coughs and throat irritations typically seen with colds.

One–quarter grain (16 mg) of ammonium chloride, one–tenth grain (6 mg) each of terpin hydrate, potassium carbonate and sulfate. Together with guaicol menthol, sanguinaria, sodium benzoate and menthol in a glycerin–alcohol–syrup base, pleasantly flavored with oleorsins and oils. Contains no narcotic or habit–forming drugs. 6% alcohol by volume.

For adults: one to two teaspoons, every two hours until cough is allayed and breathing discomfort lessened
For children: 2–4 years of age, 10–15 drops; 4–6 years of age, one–half teaspoon; 6–10 years of age, one teaspoon every two hours.

Syrup of Ambrozen bottle is a clear glass bottle stained over time by the dark brown color of the syrup formulation. Bottle contains black metal screw–top cap.

Set of two (2) bottles
H–6.5 W–1.5 L–2.5 inches
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